Family Law


Having children without the benefit and legal protection of a marriage has become more common in the last 20 years. There is perhaps a no more contentious and confusing area of law than paternity and custody. Having a parent legally declared the parent is a requirement before custody schedules can be established and thus legally enforceable. Custody, visitation and support issues between a non-married couple can be murky and frustrating. Having the right legal advice and representation is important. The attorneys at Carver & Michael can help you or a loved one work toward a reasonable solution while alleviating as much animosity as possible.

If you are an unmarried parent involved in custody or support dispute, Sara or Gaylin are ready to help. They can provide advocacy and advice in all the various types of issues that you face:

  • Paternity and father’s rights issues
  • Child support issues for non-married parents
  • Parenting schedules and enforcement
  • Contempt and modification of prior orders